Title: 'An Overnight Vigil At Arreton Old Village' Format:DVD 16:9 ratio colour Approx running time:40 minutes Released: December 2011 Presented/hosted by:Marc Tuckey Edited by:Neil Hartland Sleeve design:Pete Downing, Island CD Produced by: Neil Hartland & Marc Tuckey
Marc Tuckey hosted this paranormal investigation at Arreton Old Village with medium, Sarah Wilkins in June 2011. There has been a settlement here for over a thousand years. Once part of the Arreton Manor estate, the site was once a working farm run by Benedictine Monks from Quarr Abbey. The investigation uncovers 2 tragic events involving children as well as the spirit of a gentleman who caused a bit of a 'stir' in the Dairyman's Daughter pub.
Please note that this was filmed under 'live' conditions and as such some sound and picture quality issues should be expected.